High-energy protein
Powder for women.

The women’s protein powder market is dominated by brands that are daintily feminine, abounding with neutral colors and soft pastels. Positioned as an inclusive brand for women from all walks of life, Vurve’s bright design decisively bucks expectations for the category.
The name was created as a play on the word “verve,” which denotes energy, physical strength, and good health. Keeping in step with its name, a bold, passionate brand was created that reflects the energy of Vurve’s offerings and stands out among other products.
Brand Identity
Website Design
Social Media
Sharp Grotesk
Founders Grotesk
To better understand the target audience and make the best design decisions, I created a questionnaire and conducted interviews with 4 women of various experience with protein powder. After the interview process, I had a better understanding of their needs and problems, and of what design decisions should be made.
Lizzy, 24
Researching protein powder
Ava, 28
Researching protein powder
Kaleigh, 20
Protein powder user
Hannah, 25
Protein powder user

Drawing inspiration from the strength and vibrancy of its audience, the fresh colors and punchy typography pull Vurve firmly apart from others in the category, while allowing enough flexibility to clearly differentiate the blends.
Each package has a personalized touch, and custom iconography indicates each individual’s fitness goals, activity, and dietary needs.
Bold typography and prominent calls to action funnel users to the personalization quiz where they craft their unique protein blend. Vivid photography embraces diversity across applications.